Acts of Mercy
What is Acts of Mercy?
In 2019, the Mercy Hospital Board of Directors had the vision to create a program that would be available on a case-by-case basis to help cover healthcare costs that would help our patients be healthier overall, not just while they are here at the hospital. For example, a $60/month prescription could help an individual avoid a costly hospital stay to treat flare-ups of a manageable condition. Out of this foresight came “Acts of Mercy”. This program does not replace our existing Financial Assistance Policy, rather it supplements and can reach places and people that may not be otherwise eligible.
We want to expand this program to include any support you as a community member or business would like to give to the hospital. In by-gone years there would have been more opportunity for volunteer labor or sharing of your garden produce, canned goods, etc. Times have changed since those days, but we know there are still people who wish to share what they have been blessed with. We would like you to know where your money has gone to better help you feel involved in the hospital’s work. Under the revised Acts of Mercy program, all of your donations will be tagged with what you would like to allocate the dollars for. At this time, it seems best to keep it simple and condensed to these 3 areas of need:
- Charity care– this would include paying for care described above, or care that we never would get reimbursed for otherwise.
- Facility Improvements– This would help maintain our current facilities and purchase updated equipment. This fund would also be used for necessary remodel projects.
- Areas of Greatest Need– If you would rather give your money to the area of greatest need, we would be honored to be entrusted to use your funds in this way.
Everyone can make a difference, and we thank you for your personal “act of mercy”!

Why We Care
Imagine this scene with me:
You have just been released from the hospital, with orders from your physician to fill the prescriptions he gave you if you want to stay out of the hospital. At the Pharmacy you discover that it will cost $168 to fill the prescriptions the doctor ordered. You now have a tough choice to make; you only have $150 in cash, and you need to buy groceries for the next week.
What would you choose in this situation?
Some of us have never faced this predicament, but we see individuals weekly here at Mercy Hsopital who are facing these choices. As most of us would do, they often choose to eat over filling their presriptions. The consequence of such a choice is often that these individuals soon find themselves back in the hospital. Many of these people are on a fixed income with little or no family support and do not have adequate health insurance, which means that they end up drawing subsidized hospitalization. The individual is again left with medical bills that they have no way of paying. The end result of many of these instances is that Mercy Hospital forgives their debts when a far cheaper way to help them exists.
What You Can Do
You can help us with this mission to care for those in need by donating to the Acs of Mercy Fund.
Donations may be sent with the following methods.
- Mail: Mercy Hospital c/o Acts of Mercy Fund, 218 E. Pack Street Moundridge, Ks 67107
- Deliver: Please mark hand delivered envelopes Acts of Mercy Fund.
- Online payment: Please visit this link to send your donation online.
Thank you
We greatly appreciate the interest and support for Mercy Hospital and the Acts of Mercy Fund. Thank you in advance for your prayers and contributions.